Monday 12 December 2016

Thursday 8 December 2016

DIRT Response

Thursday 8th December

Self Assessment:

WWW: I think I made the new masthead better and I lined the coverlines up more so it looks neater.

EBI: Next time I think I should edit the coverless a bit so they line up even more.

Monday 5 December 2016

Shot Composition

Monday 5th December

L/o: to understand the basic rules of shot composition.
Shot composition

Rule of Thirds

3 images that follow the rule:

These are good images because they follow the rule of thirds rule and the main part of the image isn't in the centre, its by the sides.

3 images that do not follow the rule:

Although these images are cute, they could have been better if they had used the rule of thirds as the main image in these pictures are in the centre and not the sides.

Photographing people

  • Looking room
  • Head room
  • Eye level
  • Fill the frame

Peer Assessed by: Freya Piper :-)  

WWW - You have got enough looking room on the lower picture and you are looking straight at the camera for the higher.

NNT - You could leave a bigger gap between the top of your head and the frame.

Think about:💭

  • Camera positioning
  • Texture and pattern
  • Leading lines
  • Background

This is a well composed picture because its taken at a really good angle and the aeroplane isn't in the centre.

This is a good picture because the skier is not in the centre and the background is really cool.

Monday 28 November 2016

Final Magazine Cover

Monday 28th November

Peer Assessed by - Leanne Biscombe

WWW: The layout makes it look realistic, the main image and coverlines are good.

NTT: You could maybe use some different fonts.

Self Assessment

WWW: I think I chose some good cover lines and included a lot.

NTT: Next time I think I should spend more time on the mast head as I couldn't think of anything else and its a bit blurry.

Monday 21 November 2016

Magazine Cover Planning

Monday 21st November 2016

Magazine Cover Planning

L.O/ To create an effective magazine cover using appropriate codes and conventions.

  • Title
  • Main Image
  • Main Coverlines
  • Coverlines
  • Small Details (barcode, price, etc)
  • Colour Palette

1) Style Guide

2) Title: FOGUE

3) Colour Palette: Green, Orange, Black & White.

4) Main Image: Girl stood in front of camera with one hand on her hip, one hand flipping her hair over her head and looking at the camera with no real expression.

5) Small Details: Coverlines explaining what is in the magazine, Price (£3.99), Date (November 2016). A mix between serif and san-serif fonts.


  1. There are 4 different font styles on my style guide 
  2. The cover lines are made to look different to each other through different fonts and colours.
  3. There are some cover lines that are in block capitals which i think is to do with the font style. There are also some cover lines in sentence case.
  4. Generally, all my cover lines are rounded instead of angular. This links into the target audience being feminine.
  5. The cover lines are organised to the side and bottom of the main image, some overlap onto the image but you can still see it very clearly.

Monday 14 November 2016

Magazine Front Covers

Monday 14th November

L/O: To identify and use genre codes and conventions.

  • Masthead - this is the title/name of the magazine. It is there to tell you the make of the magazine and to attract your attention.

  • Dateline - This is the date of when the magazine was published. It is there to help you keep track of when it comes out.

  • Main Image - This is the picture usually in the middle of the magazine cover. It is there to attract you to read the magazine.

  • Cover lines - They are there to tell you what is in the magazine. Normally in short sentences around the sides.

  • Main cover line - The main cover line is the slightly bigger and bolder cover line that they want to advertise the most. It is there because it might be the most interesting part of the magazine.

  • Bar code/price - Its there so you know how much the magazine costs and the barcode lets the person in the shop scan it so you can buy it.

  • Tagline - This is a sentence right next to the title. It is there to tell you what the magazine is mainly about.

  • Quote preview - This is a quote from an article in the magazine. It is used to interest the audience to make them want to buy the magazine.

Codes and Conventions.
  • They all include mastheads, main images, cover lines.
  • Most include main cover lines, tag lines.
  • Some I can't tell whether or not they have datelines or quote previews.
  • The main images include : full length shots, mid shots and one has a close up shot.

Style Guide

Monday 7 November 2016

Photoshop Assessment Task

Monday 7th November

L.O/ to create an effective film poster that uses accurate genre conventions and layout elements.

WWW - I think I managed to photoshop the nun and title in quite well.

NTT - I think I could choose less blurry photos so it looks more realistic.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Creative Techniques in Photoshop

Monday 17th October

- Colour popping

When you colour pop, you make a certain part of the image stand out.

- Gradient masks

When you add a photo on top of another and then fade it together, making it look like one picture.

- Liquifying

Mostly used to photoshop how things / objects look.

- Layer masks

When you add a background picture onto another picture and fade it.

- Text clipping

When you add a piece of text onto a picture or in front of a picture.

Monday 10 October 2016

Introduction to Photoshop

Introduction to Photoshop

We used Photoshop to create a zombie face using layers, the lasso tool and image adjustments. The image above was my first attempt.

Self Assessment.

WWW - I think I did quite well at the eyes as they look quite tired and a little bit zombie-like.

NTT - My next time target would be to make it look more realistic because it looks like I've just cut out and added bits onto my face.


WWW- I think I was better at editing different parts of the monster onto my face

NTT- It doesn't look very realistic so I need to work on that. Also the mouth makes it look a bit funny.

Monday 3 October 2016

iMovie Trailer Project

For my trailer, I used Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which is a family movie and tried to turn it into a horror, however the finish is more of a thriller genre.

Monday 19 September 2016

Key Concepts - Danae Warne

Key Concepts

L/O: To apply the four key concepts to media texts.

1- Media Language: forms and conventions

2- Institutions

3- Audience

4- Representation

Media Language

This covers terms used, how texts are constructed and the messages conveyed. It includes:

1- Camerawork

2- Soundtrack

3- Mise-en-Scene

4- Editing

Magazine Cover to deconstruct:
Title: VOGUE (Masthead, seraph writing, orange, white and black writing to complement background and what model is wearing).

Camera Shots: Mid-Shot and Gigi is smiling. She's looking into the camera from the side a bit.

Placement of people: Gigi is in the middle of the magazine and smiling from the side.

Font Size/Style: Most of the text is seraph however there are some san seraph fonts in there. The text is around her and overlapping onto her.

Celebrity: Gigi Hadid (model)


Who makes what and for whom.


We can define the audience by: gender, age range, location, hobbies and interests, lifestyle, wealth, class.


  • A print advert aimed at a teenage audience:
I think this is aimed at teenagers because the girl looks like a teenager and teenagers get acne and spots quite a lot.

  • A film poster aimed at a female adult audience:

I think this could be aimed at a female adult audience because its a comedy and its about fashion and most women like fashion.

  • A game cover for teenage boys:

I think this could be aimed at teenage boys because boys like zombies and most have Xbox's these days.



  • Involves looking at how you see the world and how the world sees you. It uses stereotypes.

How have these people been stereotyped?

  • Miranda, (centre), looks quite average and is smiling at the camera.
  • Penny (left of Miranda), is more sophisticated then the rest of the characters and she looks it too. She isn't as silly as the others and you can tell by this picture with her facial expression. She's quite a posh eccentric and you can tell this by her hair.
  • Gary, (left of Penny) looks like he's laughing at the rest of the people because Gary finds Miranda and her family quite funny.
  • Stevie, (right of Miranda) is quite a young, and bubbly girl and you can see this by her big smile in the picture.
  • Clive, (right of Stevie) is quite an outgoing man (and you can tell by his shirt) and by the look on his face, it looks like he'd rather be somewhere else.

Extended Learning

Link to my chosen advert:
  • Media Language: In the advert, there is Camerawork (switching angles from person to person), there is a soundtrack (the kids voices over the adults miming and the little song at the end), there is a mise-en-scene (they are in a train) and there is editing (editing from angle to angle and animations at the end).

  • Camera Shots: In this advert, there are lots of different camera shots. There are some from the side of the people, some from the front of the people and some focusing on the sweets that the people are holding.

  • Voiceovers, Sounds and Music: In the advert there are voiceovers, sounds and music. An example of the voiceover is when the childs voices are replacing the adults voices for comedy effect. An example of the sound in the advert is the background noise of the train moving. And a music example would be the little song at the end of the advert.

  • Setting, Celebrities and Colour: The setting as mentioned before is a group of adults that probably dont know each sat in a train. However there arent any celebrities in this advert that I know of. The colours in the background are quite dull, but the clothes that the people are wearing are quite colourful and they're all wearing different types of clothes, maybe to represent the different types and colours of th sweets they're advertising?

  • Placement of People, Objects and Text: The placement of people isn't very complicated because the people are just sat in the chairs on the train although people from different rows are also involved in the advert. The objects is there are a pack of Haribo's placed on the table and one man is holding a newspaper. The text comes more towards the end when the writing on the packets become 3D and it says 'Limited Edition' but thats the only text there is in the advert.

  • Facial Expressions: The facial expressions in the advert are quite basic to start with but then they start to get a bit more extravagent towards the end especially when the man with the newspaper gasps.

  • Use of graphics: The graphics come at the end of the advert when the animated bear is stood next to a pack of Haribo and then the animations that come afterwards.

  • Institution: The institution in this advert is to advertise Haribo although  I don't think Haribo itself made the advert. I think they are trying to achieve more sales by making a quite comedic advert, maybe because when people see their product on shelves in shops, they'll think about the funny advert and will want to buy it.

  • Audience: I think the audience is for everyone and for all ages. I know this because its including both adults and kids in the advert and the little song at the end sings, "Kids and grown-ups love it so". I think its aimed at anyone who likes sweets!

  • Representation: The advert has been represented as a product for everyone and I think it helps show this by the comedy aspect of the advert. I think there are some stereotypical characters on the train, mainly business people travelling to and from work. I can tell because of what the people are wearing and the fact they are all adults just on a train but then they find that a man has a pack of Haribo's and they all want one.

Monday 12 September 2016

What is Media?

Monday 12th September
L/O: to define what media is and how it impacts upon our lives.

Media Definition - "The main means of mass communication."

Different types of media:

  • Blogging
  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. (Social Networks)
  • Radio Stations
  • Video Games
  • Newspapers/Magazines
  • E-Mail
  • TV Shows
  • Vlogs
  • Advertising
  • Texting
  • Websites

The main purpose of media is to make money.

Media Influence:

Does the media influence me and how?

Yes I think it does because of adverts I see on the TV, before films at the cinema, in newspapers, magazines and social networks.

Is the media powerful?

I definitely think the media is powerful because of how quickly things can spread and if a celebrity or a person with a large following posts something, their fans will believe them and that in itself is powerful. Its also powerful because people believe the pictures included in articles, adverts (etc) even though they are photoshopped or edited.

Statements - True or False?

  • The media should not be allowed to embarrass or humiliate people because once it has been written or posted it can never really be deleted.

  • The media is neutral/unbiased.

  • Media is important to the way I view the world.

  • The main purpose of media is entertainment.

  • People who criticise the media are just scared of change.
       A bit of both, true and false.

My GCSE Media Blog - Danae Warne

Welcome to my Media Blog.

Media and I.

My Favourite...

Films: Pitch Perfect

TV Shows: Absolutely Fashion

Magazines: Vogue, Elle and Harper's Bazaar

Social Media: Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook