

Representation Theory

  • Butsch (1992) who says working class males in the media are presented as; 'Incompetent and ineffectual, often a buffoon, well-intentioned but dumb. In almost all working-class series, the male is flawed, some more than others.
  • Hebdige (1988) argued youths are stereotyped as mixed metaphors of; 'Youth as fun,' and 'Youth as trouble makers.' They are often represented as one of these stereotypes.
  • Hall (1994) argues youths are; 'depressed and are likely to seek excitement through; crime, sex, drink, drugs.' Teens and young adults are often represented with these elements.
  • Mackillon (2002) argues something slightly different: he says, 'Males are now shown as sexual objects of desire who are more concerned with image.'
  • Gauntlet (2002) argues males in the media still follow traditional stereotypes as they are shown as, 'Alpha males who control the action with violence.'
  • Laura Mulvey (1975) argued women in the media are used as; 'Erotic objects of sexual desire for males on screen and in the audience.' She claims that female representations are created for 'the male gaze.'

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