Monday 14th November
L/O: To identify and use genre codes and conventions.
- Masthead - this is the title/name of the magazine. It is there to tell you the make of the magazine and to attract your attention.
- Dateline - This is the date of when the magazine was published. It is there to help you keep track of when it comes out.
- Main Image - This is the picture usually in the middle of the magazine cover. It is there to attract you to read the magazine.
- Cover lines - They are there to tell you what is in the magazine. Normally in short sentences around the sides.
- Main cover line - The main cover line is the slightly bigger and bolder cover line that they want to advertise the most. It is there because it might be the most interesting part of the magazine.
- Bar code/price - Its there so you know how much the magazine costs and the barcode lets the person in the shop scan it so you can buy it.
- Tagline - This is a sentence right next to the title. It is there to tell you what the magazine is mainly about.
- Quote preview - This is a quote from an article in the magazine. It is used to interest the audience to make them want to buy the magazine.
Codes and Conventions.
- They all include mastheads, main images, cover lines.
- Most include main cover lines, tag lines.
- Some I can't tell whether or not they have datelines or quote previews.
- The main images include : full length shots, mid shots and one has a close up shot.
good class notes