Monday 28 November 2016

Final Magazine Cover

Monday 28th November

Peer Assessed by - Leanne Biscombe

WWW: The layout makes it look realistic, the main image and coverlines are good.

NTT: You could maybe use some different fonts.

Self Assessment

WWW: I think I chose some good cover lines and included a lot.

NTT: Next time I think I should spend more time on the mast head as I couldn't think of anything else and its a bit blurry.

1 comment:

  1. Some great ideas her Danae - well done.
    WWW - You have really followed the fashion genre codes with your main image and cover lines
    NTT - I agree, i think the masthead needs work. 9The name for a start!) Also, look at the spacing between the lines of the cover lines. Which is the main cover line? Easy Glamour??
