Monday 12 September 2016

What is Media?

Monday 12th September
L/O: to define what media is and how it impacts upon our lives.

Media Definition - "The main means of mass communication."

Different types of media:

  • Blogging
  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. (Social Networks)
  • Radio Stations
  • Video Games
  • Newspapers/Magazines
  • E-Mail
  • TV Shows
  • Vlogs
  • Advertising
  • Texting
  • Websites

The main purpose of media is to make money.

Media Influence:

Does the media influence me and how?

Yes I think it does because of adverts I see on the TV, before films at the cinema, in newspapers, magazines and social networks.

Is the media powerful?

I definitely think the media is powerful because of how quickly things can spread and if a celebrity or a person with a large following posts something, their fans will believe them and that in itself is powerful. Its also powerful because people believe the pictures included in articles, adverts (etc) even though they are photoshopped or edited.

Statements - True or False?

  • The media should not be allowed to embarrass or humiliate people because once it has been written or posted it can never really be deleted.

  • The media is neutral/unbiased.

  • Media is important to the way I view the world.

  • The main purpose of media is entertainment.

  • People who criticise the media are just scared of change.
       A bit of both, true and false.

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