Monday 10 October 2016

Introduction to Photoshop

Introduction to Photoshop

We used Photoshop to create a zombie face using layers, the lasso tool and image adjustments. The image above was my first attempt.

Self Assessment.

WWW - I think I did quite well at the eyes as they look quite tired and a little bit zombie-like.

NTT - My next time target would be to make it look more realistic because it looks like I've just cut out and added bits onto my face.


WWW- I think I was better at editing different parts of the monster onto my face

NTT- It doesn't look very realistic so I need to work on that. Also the mouth makes it look a bit funny.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting outcomes! I agree with your assessments.
    WWW - you have used the transform tool well to make the sections fit to the shape of your face.
    NTT - make sure you explore the Hue/Saturation more to match up the colours of the different layers. Avoid just changing it to black and white - it doesn't always help!
