Monday 25 March 2019

Revision: (Music Videos)

Monday 25th March 2019

Explain how MISE-EN-SCENE has been used in your two music videos to show the genre and represent the band/artist.

  • Beyonce: 'If I Were A Boy' - in the music video, Beyonce looks very glamorous and feminine while playing a police officer and a wife. This helps represent her because she is an RnB artist and females looking like this is a large part of this music genre. There is also an urban scene which helps link to the RnB genre.
  • Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars: 'Uptown Funk' - in the music video there are urban locations with elements of 1950s style made modern. This helps represents the artists because they are making a modern pop song with retro interests. The people in the video are wearing colourful clothes which also helps link to the retro scenery.

Explain how CAMERAWORK and EDITING has been used in your two music videos to show the genre and represent the band/artist.

  • Beyonce: 'If I Were A Boy' - there are long cuts and clips that help tell the story of this narrative based music video. There are also no graphics in this video to help convey the seriousness of this song. Throughout the video, a monochrome filter has been placed onto it to also bring across a more serious theme. The camerawork is smooth and natural as it presents reality better and reflect the sombre mood of the song. There are also some high angle shots which helps the viewer follow the narrative of the music video as it focuses in on the main characters.
  • Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars: 'Uptown Funk' There are different editing techniques in 'Uptown Funk' that makes it differ from the other music video. The cuts are different in this video and are made to change clip along with the beat, whereas the other video changed slowly to tell the story. In this video there is a filter where the colour looks more saturated to make the video look more retro and urban to match with the theme. There are a lot of canted and twisting shots which help to add to the fun theme and match the genre of the song.

Half-term revision

Names: 'If I Were A Boy' - Beyonce and 'Uptown Funk' - Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars
Background Information:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
Viewers of these videos:

  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
Camera shots/angles:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:
  • If I Were A Boy:
  • Uptown Funk:

If I Were A Boy: Video Marketing

  • Released on:
  • Views: 
  • USA Chart Position: 1
  • USA iTunes position: 3
  • UK Chart Position: 1
  • UK Digital Charts Position: 29

Uptown Funk: Video Marketing

  • Released on: Vevo and Youtube
  • Views: 2.6 billion on Youtube as of 2017 (5th most viewed video of all time)
  • USA Chart Position: 1
  • USA iTunes Position: 1
  • UK Chart Position: 1
  • UK Digital Charts: 1

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