Sunday, 27 January 2019

Christian May Speaker

Christian May Speaker - Editor of City A.M

  • News Bias - Christian spoke about many different newspapers and magazines having a bias towards a certain side of a story, but his newspaper tries not to show bias. For example, before Brexit was voted to happen, he was one of the only papers to not say what side they would be on.
  • Declining circulation figures - as more and more news is shown online, circulation figures are decreasing because people aren't buying physical newspapers anymore. This is a challenge because these papers need to find money to afford to print stories.
  • Fake news - he spoke about how newspapers have to try and avoid fake news and spoke about untrustworthy sources that people have to try and avoid. He also said about Donald Trump and that he accuses stories of being fake news because he doesn't like what has been printed about him.
  • Relationship between print & online news - online news is becoming increasingly popular whereas print news is declining in popularity. This is because people can find news online for free so don't bother buying a newspaper (although Christian said City A.M was free).

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