Monday 11 December 2017


Monday 11th December 2017 - Stereotypes

Write down all the stereotypes you can think for:

Age - 

  • Baby
  • Toddler
  • Teenagers
  • Young adults
  • Middle age adults
  • Elders

Ethnicity - 
  • White
  • Black
  • Mixed
  • Asians 
  • Americans
  • Europeans

Disabled - 
  • Non-disabled
  • Physically disabled
  • Mentally disabled

Sexuality - 
  • Gay
  • Straight
  • Lesbian
  • Bisexual
  • Drag
  • Camp

Exam Questions
  • Mastheadthe masthead of this magazine is a sans serif, white and bold font. This would attract the audience because it is bold just like the audience's taste in music. The main image covers the masthead which is what typical magazines do. Mojo has a meaning of a magic spell, this relates to the magazine because the audience might feel they are under a magic spell while listening to their favourite music.

  • Colour scheme - the colour scheme matches stereotypically rock music colours, e.g. red, black and white. This will appeal to the audience as if they like rock music, they will probably like these colours.

  • Layout - the layout is very simple and matches typical magazine conventions by having the main cover lines crossing over the main image. The other cover lines are also following usual conventions by having them at the side. 

1 comment:

  1. Danae, you haven't really identified stereotypes, just different groups within that area
