Thursday 5 July 2018

DIRT - On Test

Thursday 5th July 2018

DIRT On Test

L.O. to review and reflect on the Year 10 mock exam and set personal targets.

Media Language = 

  • camerawork
  • editing
  • mise-en-scene
  • narrative style
Camerawork - In Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy" music video, the camerawork differs from Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars' music video for "Uptown Funk". In "If I Were A Boy", the camerawork is smooth and and is always on a straight angle. It looks very clean and the natural movements reflect the calm feeling of the song. "Uptown Funk" is different to this because it uses more manic movements such as quicker cuts and slanted angles to represent the more upbeat vibe of the song.

Question 4 - Representation = 
  • language used in cover lines
  • restrained use of colour matches conventions of rock
  • authentically monochrome photograph connotes with the spiritual quest
  • black and white background connotes with seriousness
  • white male musician = stereotypical for rock artists
  • anti-stereotypical = older musicians are celebrated
  • old photograph of Ray Davis that the older target audience would recognise
The rock musicians on the cover lines are represented in a positive way. These artists are perhaps in the older generation, however this is celebrated. This is anti-stereotypical as older artists are often neglected and ignored, however in this cover older artists are praised by even including them in the magazine cover.

Genre Conventions = 

The elements you would expect to see in any product for that particular genre. E.g. what are the elements that all pop magazines have in common.

  • Font
  • Layout
  • Colour palette
  • Shot type
  • What the image is
ANALYSE the similarities and differences between the two magazines, then  EVALUATE.
10 marks for analysis, 5 marks for evaluation = 15 marks.

  • both feature a range of musicians
  • both use language to create and inclusive mode of address
  • range of fonts
  • mastheads are all at the top
  • Same genre (music)

  • colour differences
  • cluttered layout of We Love Pop vs Mojo's calmer layout
  • Masthead goes across the page, We Love Pop masthead goes in the corner only
  • Different target audience and sub genre (rock vs pop)

Regulation =
  • Radio = OFCOM
  • Video Games - 'Games Rating Authority' and 'Video Standards Council'

Video Games linked to films
  • extended marketing of the film
  • strengthen the brand image
  • offer opportunities for fans to extend their enjoyment of the film by playing the game
  • exploit the success of the product
  • become a more diversified media conglomerate

Uses and Gratifications
  • entertainment - as an escape from the real world
  • identification - players may identify with characters and their values
  • personal relationships - players may play with a world wide community
  • information - to gain information about the film that they didn't collect from the movie

Question 9
  • setting of the main poster with an implied threat is recognised by families 
  • subverts genre codes by having an unknown protagonist in the centre
  • tagline creates intrigued and enigma, with the theme of an underdog overcoming the odds
  • actions signified on the main poster, e.g. explosions, oversized villainous characters, flying cars, helicopters and superheroes
  • character posters show a range of characters types that appeal to different types of people.
  • actor/actress names appeals to different ages of people as they may be fans of these actors/actresses

For the music industry unit, I need to make more comparisons between the similarities and differences of the two contrasting sub genres of magazines. I also need to revise the different regulators.

For the promoting media (LEGO) unit, I need to again revise the different regulators of media in the UK, and learn and revise more about the different theories.

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