Monday 22 May 2017

Trailer Analysis

Monday 22nd May 2017

  • Film: It ( )

  • Genre: the genre of the film is horror and this shows through the character of the scary clown, the dark scary house and even the font of the title.

  • Camerawork: close-up shots of the kids are used to show they are scared,  eye line match is also used when a character is looking at something and it cuts to what they're looking at, a montage is also used on the whiteboard when the kids are in the house to eventually show the clown in the pictures.

  • Editing: cutting has been used for dramatic effect, some of the transitions are fade to black to show passing of time and/or for effect, and the length of each shot is quite short which is normally what horror movies have anyway.

  • Sound: most of the sound is diegetic for scary elements like footsteps, this makes it easy for the character to act scared.

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