Monday 12 December 2016

Thursday 8 December 2016

DIRT Response

Thursday 8th December

Self Assessment:

WWW: I think I made the new masthead better and I lined the coverlines up more so it looks neater.

EBI: Next time I think I should edit the coverless a bit so they line up even more.

Monday 5 December 2016

Shot Composition

Monday 5th December

L/o: to understand the basic rules of shot composition.
Shot composition

Rule of Thirds

3 images that follow the rule:

These are good images because they follow the rule of thirds rule and the main part of the image isn't in the centre, its by the sides.

3 images that do not follow the rule:

Although these images are cute, they could have been better if they had used the rule of thirds as the main image in these pictures are in the centre and not the sides.

Photographing people

  • Looking room
  • Head room
  • Eye level
  • Fill the frame

Peer Assessed by: Freya Piper :-)  

WWW - You have got enough looking room on the lower picture and you are looking straight at the camera for the higher.

NNT - You could leave a bigger gap between the top of your head and the frame.

Think about:💭

  • Camera positioning
  • Texture and pattern
  • Leading lines
  • Background

This is a well composed picture because its taken at a really good angle and the aeroplane isn't in the centre.

This is a good picture because the skier is not in the centre and the background is really cool.